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Join date: Jun 29, 2022


What Antibiotics Do U Take For Bronchitis

Take pain relievers and fever reducers, including Tylenol and Advil , to address those symptoms; Recommended Reading: Can Trichomoniasis Be Treated With Antibiotics. Antibiotics For Acute Bronchitis. The causative agents of the acute form of bronchitis are mainly rhinovirus infections, respiratory-sentient viruses, influenza viruses, and the like. And this is when, antibiotics are used for the treating the condition. Commonly Prescribed Antibiotics for Bronchitis.

Amoxicillin, (Amoxil, Dispermox) Azithromycin, (Zithromax) Clarithromycin, (Biaxin, Biaxin XL) Cephalexin (Keflex, Biocef) Doxycycline (Doryx, Monodox) Erythromycin (Eryc, EryPed) When is Bronchitis Treated With Antibiotics? Bronchitis

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